AroZos 安裝/ 設定步驟 (Linux, windows)

 AroZos 安裝/ 設定步驟 (Linux, windows)



最近網上見到香港朋友 Toby Chiu 的大作 AroZos, 只需用 URL 便可控制聽歌看片分享檔案,功能強大,介紹一下。

首先在 server 設置好 AroZos (下面是安裝/設定步驟)。

並在 Router port forward  至8080,

外訪要 DDNS 設定你的網址 ,

AroZos 便可用 運作,設定 登入帳號,手機上只用相同url 運作,毋須下載 client app,  非常方便。

AroZos 安裝/ 設定步驟 (Linux, windows):

1) Windows (amd64) installation

If you are deploying on Windows, you need to add ffmpeg to %PATH% environment variable and following the steps below. to download and put to c:\ffmpeg

in CMD, add path c:\ffmpeg\bin by set PATH=%PATH%;C:\ffmpeg\bin\;

1.1) Windows 11 固定IP設定方式 (ethernet / wifi):

use ipconfig to check

Install Guide:

Create a folder a name that has no space and ASCII only

Download the arozos_windows_amd64.exe from the Release Page


Download the web.tar.gz from the Release Page

Put both files into the same folder you created

Double click the exe file to start ArozOS

Click on “Allow Access” if your Windows Firewall blocked ArozOS from accessing your network

Visit http://localhost:8080/ in your web browser to continue root admin account setups.

2) Linux/ubuntu installation

(please download from

in Ubuntu server / desktop,

wget -O && bash

sudo systemctl status arozos

Visit http://localhost:8080/ in your web browser to continue root admin account setups.


use http://localhost:8080/mobile.system from mobile or

http://localhost:8080/desktop.system if use PC

(URL 後的 desktop.system, mobile.system

理論上是會透過 detect user agent 自行切換,無需要手動輸入。)

Official Documentation:


AroZos 功能全面,包括:

如果想在另一台主機設定第2個AroZos, startup 時可 listen 另一個 port 如 8888 (default 是8080)。

Use another port such as 8888 instead of 8080:

arozos_windows_amd64.exe -port 8888, you can see it start listen port 8888

如果不想抄Files, 直接使用local folder 去 play songs的話, 可跟據以下做設定一次。

Setup local folder to play songs:

1)     Click red, select 設定


2)     Disk and Storage, select Storage Pools, click +

3)     Input the name, uuid, path for windows folder, click confirm


4)   Click green icon beside system to reload storage pool, and see MyMusic(ccw:/) online

5) Click red

6)     select 媒體 > music

7)     click red


8)     Select folder

9)     Select the folder for MyMusic

10)  To see all songs in the folder



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