2022 The Signs in Celestial Parade, (Venus 金星, Jupiter 木星, Mars 火星, Saturn 土星), in 香港元朗
在(2022/4/22 – 2022/5/9 ~5am HKT) 黎明前多雲天氣下,拍攝並叠合而得的金星與木星相交「+字」, 火星「字」,土星「/字」星光流跡。
The “+” is seen after sequence of Venus and Jupiter, “” for Mars, and “/” for Saturn appeared before dawn, taken and stacked around 5am HKT Apr22 to May9, 2022, in Yuen Long, Hong Kong.
‘+’ is Venus 金星 and Jupiter 木星
” is Mars 火星
‘/’ is Saturn 土星
Stars are missed in 4 days (included May 1), as they are behind the clouds.
Moon (from top to bottom): is seen on Apr25, 26, 27 見月亮。
Equipment : Nikon D750 with 28mm lens
Taken: (2022/4/22 – 2022/5/9 ~5am HKT) in Yuen Long, Hong Kong